4 Widerstand Verschiedene Modi

Mehrere Trainingsmodi, Fettverbrennung, Formung und Muskelaufbau nach Bedarf umschaltbar, mehrdimensional, um die Fitnessanforderungen zu erfüllen und den Trainingseffekt effizient zu verbessern; für mehr Personen geeignet, Anfänger, professionelle Fitnessbegeisterte und so weiter;

Warum INNODIGYM P1 wählen


    Ultradünnes Design und integrierter Druckguss aus Aluminiumlegierung

  • Stereo-5-W-Bluetooth-Verstärker

    Der Stereo-5-W-Bluetooth-Verstärker bietet kraftvollen Sound in kompaktem Design. Genießen Sie kabelloses Audio-Streaming mit Bluetooth-Konnektivität.

  • 5.0 Scheiben-Servomotor

    Erleben Sie unübertroffene Präzision mit Innodi P1, angetrieben von unserem 5,0-Disc-Servomotor. Verbessern Sie Ihr Heimtraining mit dieser fortschrittlichen, langlebigen Technologie.

  • Sicherheitsschutzmechanismus

    Zahlreiche Schutzmechanismen durch moderne künstliche Intelligenz: Verbesserte Sicherheitsfunktionen

  • Sicherheitsknopf

    Sicherheitsknöpfe an beiden Griffen und an der Stange. Sie fungieren als ausfallsicherer Mechanismus und geben die Gewichte sofort frei, wenn die Belastung zu groß wird.

  • Materialien für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

    Werten Sie Ihr Heim-Fitnessstudio mit der Innodi P1-Serie auf und verwenden Sie Materialien aus der Luft- und Raumfahrt für unübertroffene Stärke und Langlebigkeit.

Verlassen Sie sich auf INNODIGYM

Integrierte Produktions- und F&E-Fabrik von Innodigym. Über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im digitalen Closed-Loop-Hersteller von Krafttraining.


Geistiges Eigentum





Strength is more than just lifting heavy weights; it’s a measure of how well your body can perform functional movements, resist injury, and endure physical challenges. Whether you’re new to fitness or an experienced athlete, understanding what “strong” means and how to measure your strength can help you track progress and achieve your fitness goals.

Types of Strength

  1. Maximal Strength
    Maximal strength is the maximum force your muscles can exert in a single effort, like lifting a heavy barbell. It’s often measured by exercises like the bench press, squat, or deadlift, which target major muscle groups.

  2. Explosive Strength
    This refers to your ability to exert force quickly. It’s essential for sports and activities that require sudden movements, such as sprinting or jumping. Exercises like box jumps and power cleans are good indicators of explosive strength.

  3. Endurance Strength
    Endurance strength is your muscles’ ability to sustain activity over time without fatigue. Activities like long-distance running, high-repetition weightlifting, or even cycling test this form of strength.

  4. Relative Strength
    Relative strength is the amount of strength you have compared to your body weight. Gymnastic moves, pull-ups, and bodyweight exercises are excellent ways to assess relative strength, as they emphasize how well you can control your own body.

How to Measure Your Strength

To assess your overall strength, try a combination of tests. For maximal strength, test your one-rep max on major lifts (with proper form and guidance). For endurance strength, perform as many reps as possible with a moderate weight, and for explosive strength, try box jumps or timed sprints. Relative strength can be measured by exercises like pull-ups or push-ups relative to your body weight.

Why Strength Matters

Strength is the foundation of a healthy and resilient body. Improving strength enhances your ability to perform everyday tasks, reduces the risk of injury, and boosts metabolic rate. It’s also closely linked to mental toughness, as strength training often requires discipline and persistence.

In your fitness journey, aim to build a well-rounded strength profile by incorporating exercises that address all types of strength. Whether you're lifting weights, doing bodyweight exercises, or training for endurance, understanding your strength level can help you achieve a balanced, healthier physique.