4 Widerstand Verschiedene Modi

Mehrere Trainingsmodi, Fettverbrennung, Formung und Muskelaufbau nach Bedarf umschaltbar, mehrdimensional, um die Fitnessanforderungen zu erfüllen und den Trainingseffekt effizient zu verbessern; für mehr Personen geeignet, Anfänger, professionelle Fitnessbegeisterte und so weiter;

Warum INNODIGYM P1 wählen


    Ultradünnes Design und integrierter Druckguss aus Aluminiumlegierung

  • Stereo-5-W-Bluetooth-Verstärker

    Der Stereo-5-W-Bluetooth-Verstärker bietet kraftvollen Sound in kompaktem Design. Genießen Sie kabelloses Audio-Streaming mit Bluetooth-Konnektivität.

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    Erleben Sie unübertroffene Präzision mit Innodi P1, angetrieben von unserem 5,0-Disc-Servomotor. Verbessern Sie Ihr Heimtraining mit dieser fortschrittlichen, langlebigen Technologie.

  • Sicherheitsschutzmechanismus

    Zahlreiche Schutzmechanismen durch moderne künstliche Intelligenz: Verbesserte Sicherheitsfunktionen

  • Sicherheitsknopf

    Sicherheitsknöpfe an beiden Griffen und an der Stange. Sie fungieren als ausfallsicherer Mechanismus und geben die Gewichte sofort frei, wenn die Belastung zu groß wird.

  • Materialien für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

    Werten Sie Ihr Heim-Fitnessstudio mit der Innodi P1-Serie auf und verwenden Sie Materialien aus der Luft- und Raumfahrt für unübertroffene Stärke und Langlebigkeit.

Verlassen Sie sich auf INNODIGYM

Integrierte Produktions- und F&E-Fabrik von Innodigym. Über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im digitalen Closed-Loop-Hersteller von Krafttraining.


Geistiges Eigentum





When it comes to maximizing your workout efficiency, compound exercises stand out as the MVPs of strength training. These movements involve multiple joints and muscle groups, offering a comprehensive approach to building strength, enhancing muscle mass, and improving overall fitness. Here's a curated compound exercises list to elevate your training regime.

Why Choose Compound Movements?

Compound exercises are not just about lifting weights; they're about smart training. They increase caloric expenditure, promote functional strength, and stimulate muscle growth more effectively than isolated exercises. Here's why they should be a staple in your routine:

  • Efficiency: Work out more muscles in less time.
  • Strength: Build real-world, functional strength.
  • Hormonal Response: Trigger higher levels of growth hormones.

The Essential Compound Exercises List

  1. Squats
    • Variations: Barbell squat, goblet squat, front squat.
    • Focus: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, back.
  2. Deadlifts
    • Variations: Conventional, sumo, Romanian deadlift.
    • Focus: Posterior chain - back, glutes, hamstrings.
  3. Bench Press
    • Variations: Flat, incline, decline bench press.
    • Focus: Chest, shoulders, triceps.
  4. Pull-Ups or Chin-Ups
    • Variations: Wide grip, narrow grip, weighted.
    • Focus: Back, biceps, forearms.
  5. Overhead Press
    • Variations: Military press, push press, seated press.
    • Focus: Shoulders, triceps, upper chest.
  6. Bent Over Rows
    • Variations: Barbell, dumbbell, T-bar row.
    • Focus: Upper back, lats, biceps.
  7. Lunges
    • Variations: Walking, reverse, lateral lunges.
    • Focus: Legs, glutes, core stability.
  8. Dips
    • Variations: Bench dips, parallel bar dips.
    • Focus: Chest, triceps, shoulders.

Implementing Compound Movements

To get the most out of these compound exercises, consider:

  • Warm-Up: Always start with dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase weight or reps to challenge your body.
  • Rest: Allow adequate recovery time between sessions for muscle repair and growth.

Synergy with Fitness Equipment

Integrating compound exercises with the right gear, like adjustable dumbbells for versatility or resistance bands for added tension, can further enhance your workout. Brands like Bowflex or TRX offer equipment designed to complement these movements, ensuring you're not just lifting weights but also engaging in functional fitness.

In conclusion, this compound exercises list serves as your blueprint for a robust, efficient workout plan. By focusing on these multi-joint movements, you're not just working out; you're sculpting a stronger, more resilient body. Remember, consistency is key, so keep pushing, keep growing, and watch as your fitness levels compound over time.